nouvelle cité administrative carrefour de Badji Mokhtar Souk Ahras

Our Wilaya

Souk ahras Province

Souk Ahras is situated in the extreme north east of Algeria. Its area is 4360 km². Its border to the north is the province of El Taref; in the east is Tunisia; westward is the province of Guelma and the province of Oum el Bouaghi; in the south the province of Tebessa Souk Ahras has a population of 450,000 people.

It is composed of three important areas:

  • In the north: mountainous region.
  • In the south: agricultural area.
  • In the centre: lowlands region.


The province was created from Guelma Province in 1984.

Administrative divisions[edit]

The province is divided into 10 districts (daïras), which are further divided into 26 communes or municipalities.


The city of Souk Ahras has a semi continental and humid climate, heavy rains in the north in winter and very hot and dry in the south during summer. The rains are 350–750 mm/year and the temperatures vary from 1 °C to 14 °C in winter and from 25 °C to 38 °C in summer.

The fauna is very rich in Souk Ahras, where species such as the hare, partridge, fox, sparrow, ferret, porcupine and barbarian hart can be found. The flora as well is very rich, with species such as:

Cork oak: 12,000 hectares
Zeen oak: 4,600 hectares
Flowering ash
Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis)
Cypress tree


Trading activities are widespread in Sedrata and Zaarouria were many public and private companies have been set up:

National company of painting
National company of textile
Brick-making company
Sedrata metallic company
Mansouri paper factory
Hamada dairy
ALKALAM factory

The most important activities in this region are: agriculture, breeding and com cultivation. The total area is about 436,000 hectares. 235,000 hectares are consecrated to agriculture.

Basic under structures and the railway system:

Main roads: 600 km Secondary roads: 1600 km. The railway from Souk Ahras to Annaba is 138.8 km, among which 100 km are electrified.

  1. Bir Bouhouche
  2. Haddada
  3. M’Daourouch
  4. Mechroha
  5. Merahna
  6. Ouled Driss
  7. Oum El Adhaïm
  8. Sedrata
  9. Souk Ahras
  10. Taoura

Communes of Souk Ahras Province

1. Ain Zana
2. Ain Soltane
3. Bir Bouhouche
4. Drea
5. Haddada
6. Hanancha
7. Khedara
8. Khemissa
9. M’Daourouch
10. Mechroha
12. Oued Keberit
13. Ouillen
14. Ouled Driss
15. Ouled Moumem
16. Oum El Adhaim
17. Ragouba
18. Safel El Ouiden
19. Sedrata
20. Sid Fredj
21. Souk Ahras
22. Taoura
23. Terraguelt
24. Tiffech (Tiffeche)
25. Zaarouria
26. Zouabi