nouvelle cité administrative carrefour de Badji Mokhtar Souk Ahras

Khemissa Archaeological Site

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Fact sheet of the tourist site: the archaeological site of Khemissa Khemissa
culturel, religieux personnage
Marché d’Ahras département
Jeudi Municipal
La commune de Khamisa, route nationale n° : A 19 centre l’adresse
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he archaeological site of the city of Khemisa, which is about 37 km from ela wilaya Souk-Ahras is considered one of the most important archaeological sites in the state and in eastern Algeria, where its value and its historical and archaeological importance are reflected in the monuments found there, which belong to the various civilizations that traded in the eastern region of Algeria. Khamisa takes the form of a triangle whose base starts from the south and the top points towards the north. The city extends towards the highest peaks from which the three valleys start: Mujradah, Al-Kubrit and Al-Dunam. Khamisa has two main parts, the old town and the new town. Description du site touristique
Au moins un (1) jour Average The time required to visit the site
Distance : 37 km. Distance in kilometers from departement
Taxi : (distance : 37 km, prix : 150 dinars, durée : 45 minutes).

Hadheri Bus (transport en commun) : (distance : 37 km, prix : 80 dinars, durée : 50 minutes).

Transportation from the departement
36°11’35″N longitude
7°39’12″E Latitude
Information additionnelle